WP G1: PSI-Technology for Future L-Band Systems
Responsible: Dr. Michael Eineder (DLR-IMF)
WP G2: Methodological advancements in estimation of the Total Electron Content (TEC) in space and time
Responsible: Dr. Norbert Jakowski (DLR-KN)
WP G3: Simultaneous acquisition and integration of satellite radar data and in-situ and ground based remote sensing methods
Responsible: Dr. Thor Hansteen (GEOMAR)
WP G4: Monitoring methods for Geohazards Analysis
Responsible: Dr. Madhi Motagh (GFZ)
WP G5: Global deformation and source monitoring at volcanoes investigated with high temporal and spatial resolution
Responsible: Dr. PD Thomas Walter (GFZ)
WP G6: Where is the fault and the magma coming from? Data subsampling and real-time geophysical optimization of time series data
Responsible: Dr. PD Thomas Walter (GFZ)
WP G7: Coupled systems
Responsible: Dr. Thomas Walter (GFZ)
WP G8: Remote sensing-based process modelling and hazard assessment
Responsible: Dr. Madhi Motagh (GFZ)
WP G9: Geological context of geodetically active and seismically inactive regions: earthquake recurrence, slip-rate variability and implications for potentially active faults and their associated hazards
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Anke Friedrich (LMU)
WP G10: Estimation and Compensation of Ionosphere in L-Band InSAR Data
Responsible: Dr. Ramon Brcic (DLR-IMF)
WP G11: Tropospheric Models and Compensation
Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. Nico Adam (DLR-IMF)
WP G12: Environmental (atmosphere and biosphere) error propagation and uncertainties in earthquake source models (University Potsdam)
Responsible: Dr. Henriette Sudhaus (GFZ)